A simple way to start a mindfulness practice It will take you no time, but the little time you do take will be invaluable to your life. This is less about learning and more about not thinking. You can see the previous where I talk about why I don’t care for new years resolutions ... Read More about A simple way to start a mindfulness practice
Enjoy the holiday lights-mini-meditation and reflection
Enjoy a mini-meditation to reflect upon the beauty and inspiration of the holiday lights The holidays are considered one of the busiest times but we can take a few minutes of mindfulness to appreciate this magical aspect of this time of the year. The winter solstice is actually the first day of ... Read More about Enjoy the holiday lights-mini-meditation and reflection
Choose a word of the year instead of a new years resoultion
New Year's resolutions don't have the best track record, so instead choose your word of the year...mindfully, of course. I am going to talk about a few reasons why choosing your word of the year can change your life The New Year is a big deal for most. It’s a time when we pull out our new ... Read More about Choose a word of the year instead of a new years resoultion
Enjoy a cup of coffee…mindfully
It's a privilege to have a good cup of coffee So here is your one minute of mindfulness for today. Get yourself your cup of coffee. I have an ongoing joke with my mother. She makes a cup of coffee that when you hold it up to the light, you can see the forest behind it. I jokingly tell her ... Read More about Enjoy a cup of coffee…mindfully
Times when I am not so mindful
I have my moments when I am not mindful either. I will share the least mindful times in my life. Cheryl, when are you not mindful? Are there any areas in your life that you have a hard time being mindful of? Oh, yeah, there are a few and I will share with you those on this episode. So I ... Read More about Times when I am not so mindful