Let’s be present with the people around us.
Extend your mindfulness with those you love and even those you don’t.
So I want to talk about being mindful around people, it can be a challenge, especially if you’re not a peoply kind of person.
Being mindful around others helps you to build up better connections and it also allows you to learn to accept the person for who they are, not what or who you think they are.
We tend to get those things confused.
The person in front of you is who they are right at that moment in time, not their past or future, nothing else matters.
The next time you’re with somebody, be present with them… just notice them.
Notice their features, notice their hair, their eyes, look at them in the eyes, notice the way they talk, their mannerisms, their gestures, how they move, how they smile, and how they laugh.
You’re not looking at finding any hidden meaning in doing this, you’re just noticing without judgment as you stay completely present with them.
When you do this, you actually hear them because you hear what they’re saying.
You’re not filtering it with the things like worrying about what to say next or do next.
Instead, you are just listening.
I suggest, trying this with strangers or with acquaintances first before you do this with people you’re close with.
Emotions tend to get muddled with our ability to be present.
And as you look at all of their mannerisms and facial expressions, take a moment to just notice within yourself, what comes up emotionally for you.
How do you feel?
If you have any warmth or any kindness, just allow it to expand, allow it to be expressed through your smile or the presence you share.
Now on the flip side, I suggest you do this with people you don’t like.
It will be harder, but be open to it.
Look at this person. You’re not trying to analyze them to determine what their motives are, you’re just noticing how they act, how they move, their expressions, the texture in their voice, or anything else.
Just notice everything about them.
Now notice what you are feeling.
Are you feeling warmth? Anger? Are you feeling dislike?
This time I want you to do something different.
Ask yourself…
Is what I’m feeling about this person reflective in me?
We often pick up on the things we don’t like in ourselves in other people. We’re a mirror to other people.
If you’re thinking, I don’t like this person because they’re bitchy, ask yourself, Am I bitchy?
I don’t like this person because they’re rude, ask yourself, Am I rude?
You will be surprised at the number of times, you can actually say, That’s me.
And it’s okay. And if that happens, take a deep breath. It’s a good thing. Because now you realize a little bit about yourself.
And you may just not dislike that person as much as you did before, or you might, who knows.
It’s just a little exercise in being mindful with somebody else and a way to get to know yourself a bit better in the process.
So go out, meet some people and be mindful.
Take a deep breath in and exhale
So, before I go, listen closely and remember this ONE one thing.
Your future is a thought, your past has passed, but your now is always here.
Be mindful-one minute at a time.
Hugs, Cheryl
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